Thursday, April 29, 2010
Malas Belajarr Kuttt
hmm btw, ahad nie maybe lasttt la nk gi melepak ngn mbr2 gile2 nyeee. nak gi mandi seh hahah gile pnyeeee. haish, next week da nak gerak perlis. sedih siut. ade seminggu je lg kat sini. nape la ku asek g study tmpt jauh , ta pe la.. and pasti , aku nak sgt jmpe raziiiii sblm aku g. tah la enn? ramai je nak sekat ngn aku, tapi tah malas lagipon nak g study da aa. mals oke nk ade perasaan cm dulu, sengal. aku nk sgt jmpe die, tp die cm tanak jmpe aku je. sedih k. aku taw laa die da ta syg aku da, tp atleast bg aku chance jmpe die sblm aku g jauh. aku syg die. ARRRGGGHG. oh lupe lak, tadi mlm aku call si emeir tuh. tah ape gile aku kot call bdk tuh ? aaa die keje kat snway? haha shit, mest die nmpk aku aritu lepak snway ngn bee. gile aaa. pape pn, aku tanye die, die kate die ta nmpk. ooh die keje kat bonia. and and die stay sane jgk, and da x stay ngn fmly die? gile aaa, idop cmne pn aku x tahu. hahah, rindu plak ngn die. ehh, time aku call tuh die nak plak layan aku enn? haha rindu agaknye, :p:p! bukan nk pn call die, aritu mimpi pe tah die anta msg kat aku enn, so then aku reply aa. and tergerak plak nk call die. bia laaa, die pn dulu pena ade dlm ati aku, lame seh 3 tahun fuh! ta de jodoh kot. putus ngn die pn sbb razi. haish, malas seh nk pikir. pape pn skrg da pkul 3 and maw gerak g keje. tinggal seminggu je lagi nk keje, huaaa mest sedih gile nak tglkan akak2 kat sini yg byk nasihat aku. well, aku enn agak ta leh bla haha. pfffttt yad yad ;D
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Wahai Aman
Surat Perletakan Jawatan
haih. sedih enn bile aku da nak kene benti keje. sedih sgt. time buat surat nie pon aku agak sedih. yelaaa, nak kat 6 bulan jgk laa aku keje kat klinik nie. tgk2 kene benti sambung belaja. pape pn da memang suratan takdir ececeh. ok la, kat sini aku nak kongsi sekali ape yg aku telah tulis ahaks! tp sori beb, bahse mlayu aku agak corott wakaka!
Nur Hidayah Binti Zahari
Jalan Tanjung Gelang,
30/4 Seksyen 30,
40460 Shah Alam,
Selangor Darul Ehsan.
Poliklinik Shaik Sdn Bhd,
No 7 Jalan Anggerik Vanilla 31/N,
40460 Shah Alam,
Selangor Darul Ehsan.
28 APRIL 2010
Dengan hormatnya merujuk perkara diatas dukacita dimaklumkan bahawa saya seperti nama diatas akan meletak jawatan sebagai pembantu jururawat berkuatkuasa SEMINGGU dari tarikh diatas, di klinik tuan kerana ingin melanjutkan pelajaran ke Kolej Matrikulasi di Arau, Perlis pada 10 Mei 2010.
2 .Saya ingin memohon maaf diatas keputusan ini. Segala kesulitan amatlah dikesali. Terima kasih diatas peluang dan tunjuk ajar yang pihak tuan berikan sepanjang saya berkhidmat disini. Saya juga ingin memohon atas segala kesilapan yang pernah saya lakukan sepanjang saya bekerja. Semoga apa yang tuan berikan selama ini mendapat nilaian baik disisi Allah. Kerjasama dari pihak tuan amatlah saya hargai.
Sekian terima kasih.
Yang Benar,
Nur Hidayah Binti Zahari
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Mr. Bee
so itulah citenye. guys, wht a life kan. die sanggup amik cuti utk aku sedangkan ari ahad nie kitorang kua hahaha, lawak la die nie. papepn thnks beeee. paling ta leh bla kan mase kitorang tgh tggu train kat ktm shah alam, die ade ckp bende yg cm nak tegelak cm babi jgk aku. hahahaha!
" idaaaaaaaaaaaa, cepat bgn, cepaaaat tgk nia ape ko dpt! ". she said.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Introducing Myself :)
My favorite past time is definattley laughing at other peoples expense. I flirt alot, but i am REALLY bad at it. I am for sure the jealous type but, an amazing girlfriend. I have too many of fakes and no matter. Im not looking for that special person, because to be honest i don't believe he exists. If someone can show me different then i'd love to see you try. I have my own weird ways, i laugh when i really shouldnt. I sing in the shower, even when we do have big company round!. I like vegetables and im in love with rainbow drops. I love stayin up til 5 in in the mornin talkin to my favourite person, bein an idiot an muggin people of is something that i do often, not to be nasty, jus to muck about :P. My favourite colour is pink and red and i love faries (: I dont really fear much, im not a fan of heights but i do most things realy, I an't scared of dyin an i would love to touch the clouds. I'm very hyper-active in big groups :) My friend's are amazing- proper!
I'm not at college at the minute. I currently working at Poliklinik Shaik as a Nurse Assistance. I wanna go to college to study ICT. When i'm old enough i want to travel places :). I love to go places i've never been before. I love going to places with nice scenery, where it's proper peaceful :), like this place. I think, this is just enough. BYE.